

My name is Maura. I am a 30-something city-girl-turned-suburban-mom. If you had asked me 10 years ago if I’d ever leave the city, I’d have laughed in your face; now I would never move back. I craft and cook and bake and garden. I’m in the women’s club for my neighborhood and I started a book club. I like red wine and charcuterie. I live in athleisure-wear. I have more hobbies than I have time for. I’m a wife and mom to a toddler. I have a BFA in acting, but wound up going back to school for my BSN in my mid-twenties. I spent 3.5 years in the ED, and now I work in clinical research.

I’ve dabbled in blogs since I was a teen - first on OpenDiary and LiveJournal, and then my own domains. My first domain was journal-like, while my second was more food-focused. I spent time doing my own craft business through Facebook, Instagram, and local craft shows for a while, and entertained the idea of selling on Etsy. I decided I wanted a place to be able to discuss all the things I love; my family, food, crafting, home projects, etc. I just don’t find traditional social media the place to do this (even though I am 100% guilty of it!).

So, that has led me here, to - a place for me to talk about whatever I’d like, share pictures of whatever I’d like, and just ramble to my little heart’s content. I hope you find something of interest here as I know I’ve scoured plenty of blogs looking for inspiration for meals, projects, things to do, and I hope you come back! I am also a contributor to, a website of moms from all over sharing tips on mom life, fashion, beauty, and beyond!

- Maura